Silence... Can You Hear It? is a 2021 Indian Hindi-language thriller film written and directed by Aban Bharucha Deohans. The film produced by Zee Studios, stars Manoj Bajpayee, Prachi Desai and Arjun Mathur. The story of the film revolves around the mysterious disappearance of a woman. It was digitally released on ZEE5 on 26 March 2021.
Title: Silence Can You Hear It 2021 Hindi
IMDB Ratings: 7.5/10
Genres: Thriller
Language: Hindi
Quality: 720p 480p WEB-DL
Director: Aban Bharucha Deohans
Writer: Aban Bharucha Deohans
Stars: Manoj Bajpayee, Prachi Desai, Denzil Smith
Movie Quality: 720p 480p BRRip